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About Us

InnoVar is a UK incorporated consultancy and software engineering firm operating under the Holistic Future Thinking ltd umbrella. It was founded in 2018 with an initial focus on Bioprocess development but since then has expanded to other industries as well. Our current portfolio expands along vastly different sectors from pharma and biopharma, to the chemical industry, the financial sector and beyond. 


Modeling technologies, being AI/ML, mechanistic, first-principle, statistical or other, have experienced an amazing maturity during the last decades. This can be adduced from multiple sources: from the content of critical and systematic reviews, the launching of new products and services and even the formation of dedicated corporations. The aggregate evidence corroborates the existence of an upward trend on both complexity that models can account for and the accuracy that is achieved. Consensus reads that, in many areas, progress has reached the time-to-cash-the-check phase. 


Nonetheless, with the exception of some notable singletons, corporations have failed to capitalize on these opportunities. The original founders of InnoVar have had a hands-on experience of this deficiency. On top of that, they have also performed detailed market analyses to develop a holistic understanding of the reasons behind this insufficient progress.  InnoVar is the result of their efforts and has been founded with the objective to precisely address this gap. In other words, our core mission is to support our customers take advantage of modeling capabilities and maximize the impact on their business. 


Connecting business with R&D, and understanding their duality, is critical for achieving our mission. At InnoVar, we do not believe in doing Innovation for the sake of Innovation and modeling constitutes no exception. Inasmuch as we understand the value of curiosity driven research, we abide by the dogma that a corporation's responsibility is the development of profitable solutions to real-world problems; with strong emphasis on profitable. We see this done by always conditioning our support on the financial impact that we expect to have on our customer. To put simply, InnoVar does not simply sell modeling capabilities but rather provides business-driven modeling solutions.  


Do not hesitate to contact us directly and arrange for a free introductory meeting where we can discuss about your needs and how we can support you fulfill them.

Modeling as an investment

Do more with less! Go faster! Accelerate! Change or get disrupted! The clock is ticking! Agility is the new black!  Disruption is ante portas! The only constant is change! Are you Industry 4.0 ready? Are you running behind with digital transformation?


Daring quotes, all of them pointing towards the death of the old ways. Always take magnanimous statements with a grain of salt. But, theatrics aside, the market landscape is changing. Business expectations are as dynamic as ever, consumer expectations have evolved, development timelines are constantly challenged as unsustainable, cost cutting is the new normal, shareholders exert pressure on the C-suite and the list goes on and on. 


Traditional ways of working fall short of keeping up with this highly dynamic and complex demand. You cannot drop development times by half unless you drastically change the paradigm. Product quality cannot penetrate the human-induced plateau unless the human's role in production becomes narrower. 


What is a viable strategy to navigate the stormy seas and thrive in this new environment? We constantly hear that any strategy should predicate on digital transformation. Correct, but digital transformation, to a large extent, has modeling embedded at its core. A digitally transformed corporation is then a corporation that has accommodated modeling to augment and or disrupt its ways of working.


Does modeling come for free? No, there is no free lunch folks. Like every industrial solution, modeling comes with both a CapEx and an OpEx component. As such, it requires a detailed investment analysis that will uncover not only the costs but also the expected Return on Investment. When properly executed, this analysis will yield a sufficiently positive NPV to green-light the investment.


Is modeling then a holy grail? No, modeling is neither a holy grail nor a silver bullet. It offers the option to build upon the accumulated of experience of experts and to systematically shape the pile of stones provided by experiments into a house. But it is precisely those properties that render its business case attractive, transversely across industries.


At InnoVar we translate models into money 

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