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Consultancy services

A successful consultancy partnership onsets with a clear description of the problem. It is our mantra to upfront invest a sufficient amount of time to fully understand your needs and to assess how we can support you best.  Our approach draws upon the principles of Agile and Quality by Design. Feel free to contact us on to inquire further information about our services.

How do we work?

Typical consultancy projects require the appointment of an ad hoc team of experts tailored to the customer's needs. This is the working model that we employ.  We are aware that in the past fashion dictated the assignment of small armies of consultants. We can play this game but we'd rather not too. In the name of agility, we favor small, flexible squads endowed with specific tasks that have a modus operandi of minimal bureaucracy.


Given that the COVID-19 pandemic has proved that physical interaction can be limited without affecting productivity, we are exploring the possibility to hybrid  collaborations, when the project fits the bill. In general,  the team can either be virtually or physically present depending on the needs. 

What is our methodology?

An old saying states that "It doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice". In contrast to companies that sell AI/ML solutions or black-box software, we do not campaign in favor of or eulogizing about any modeling methodology. If a problem can be solved via a back-of-the-envelope calculation, there is no need to show off with a sophisticated (and expensive) AI algorithm. At InnoVar we only care about catching the mouse.


Our modeling weaponry is versatile enough to enable us choose the right technology and capability for the problem in hand. The development of methodology is  bilaterally developed with the customer. Whether a model can be deployed or not, to a large extend depends on the data and infrastructure that is in place.

What are the deliverables?

We offer a diverse portfolio of services, each endowed with its own set of deliverables. However, in the vast majority of cases, deliverables come in the form of

  1. Codes or software

  2. Technical & market reports

  3. Results from simulations

  4. Presentations to stakeholders


If your project requires a different kind of deliverable, we are always open to listen. 


How about IP?

IP discussions can be complicated, our industrial experience corroborates that. At InnoVar we have decided to make the customer's life easier and plant the seeds for long-term collaborations. We have only one rule when it comes to IP:


All the generated IP is reserved for the customer and we also refrain from any IP connected to codes that we deliver. InnoVar only reserves the right of the "know-how", i.e. the right to grow intellectually, and the right to apply it, subject to the mutually agreed confidentiality agreements.

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