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InnoVar Software Services

At InnoVar, software services fall within two principal categories: a) personalized software development and b) ready-to-use suites. Feel free to navigate and find the solution that best fits your needs. Our business analysis asserts that you should not compromise with something that only partially suits you. If this is the case, contact us and we will be happy to collaborate with you by even modifying our off-the-shelf solutions. 

Software development

Your bespoke program

Do you want to implement an algorithm into a code or a software but do not have the internal capabilities to do so? Do you want to assess the feasibility of deploying data science tools via Proof of Concepts?  There is no need to invest on building a team for so doing. InnoVar has your six can can assist you with your project from its conceptualization to its deployment.


We can code in C, C++, Python, MATLAB, Excel and their avatars but when it comes to software development, we are language agnostic.  You should take it for granted that we do not judge people for their coding preferences nor do we assume an ex cathedra mentality.  Our modus operandi is based on a consensus-driven choice for each project.  We respect your team's choices and work hard to infuse our products within your ways of working and standard operating procedures.


Our software development utilizes agile development but we cannot ignore the fact that waterfall send us to the moon. At InnoVar development methodologies are not construed as zero-sum- game dogmas but rather as more options to sample for and thereby optimize our workflow and our services.


For any software inquiry contact us directly on or fill in the Contact form below and we will promptly respond. 


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Software suites

Buy it, install it, run it!

InnoVar offers a variety of ready-to-use modeling suites that can be procured directly from our E-

shop. These suites are generic modeling tools that can be used by non-modelers who want rigorous but quick analysis. Given the status quo of the spreadsheet market, we have decided to implement the majority of our black box suites into MS Excel plugins.


For its off-the-shelf portfolio, InnoVar employs a standard perpetual license pricing scheme. Specifically, we allow for corporate-level usage (unlimited number of users per company) under a standard CapEx fee plus a reasonable annual OpEx fee for maintenance, updates and support. This simple pricing scheme provides a good basis for budget considerations and comes with no surprises to the customer.


We are also often asked by our customers whether our off-the-shelf solutions comply to GxP standards. Our software undergoes a formal validation & verification phase and it is thoroughly checked for bugs and errors. However, given the heterogeneity behind the GxP definition, we cannot possibly claim that we abide with these principles. The safest way to address this issue is to provide us a list of GxP requirements and request for a personalized solution that conforms to your needs. If this is the case, then scroll up this page and fill in the form or simply drop us an email on  

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