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At InnoVar our core philosophy is that flexibility and agility are key to meeting our customers' expectations.  Each project is sui generis, it has its own prerequisites and objectives. Success, therefore, requires bespoke teams with ad hoc competencies. Our consultancy services depart from the traditional one-size-fits-all paradigm towards the land of personalized solutions.   


We are also committed to spreading the word and growing awareness of modeling capabilities. For this reason, we are proud to offer industrial modeling trainings, from awareness to guru level, for colleagues who would like to expand their repertoire.  More personalized modules can also be developed upon request; feel free to inquire and we will be happy to jointly explore possibilities.


InnoVar additionally offers software development solutions. The vast majority of our solutions are on demand and have been developed to address customer-specific challenges. But on top of that, we have a portfolio of off-the-shelf suites that can assist you with straightforward modeling queries.


 Our last angle of services is of monetary nature. We have a strong understanding of modeling's business case and the overall global market. We can, therefore, assist you with market reports, business development exercises and investment considerations to enable you make an evidence-based decision. A navigation through our E-shop, will provide a stock of market reports that can be procured directly. 

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